| ROADM support C band 50GHz space 88 channels
| Provides high-capacity DWDM ring interconnect max 9-degree
| Wavelength independent selective switching, blocking, attenuation
and/or equalization of 88 wavelengths
| Integrated OPM to monitor Optical signal quality
| With CACC card, fully integrated into CATS platform
| GUI based network management via CATS system controller or CLI
loacl management
Dowslake ROADM Reconfigurable optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
is a flexible and powerful wavelength switching and channel
grooming solution for intelligent DWDM system, able to support
max 88ch 50GHz DWDM system.
With advanced Wavelength Selective Switch(WSS) and Optical
Performance Monitoring(OPM) technology. Dowslake ROADM
provide the capability to dynamically mange add/drop and to
monitor each DWDM channel optical parameters, include DWDM
channel optical frequency, optical power and optical signal OSNR.
ROADM support optical power control for each DWDM channel,
and can compensate individual channel degradation, amplifier
gain tilt, and is suitable for a number of applications:
•Re-configurable add/drop node in an East/West traffic node
•Uni-directional power balancer
•High capacity DWDM ring interconnect with N-degree flexibility
•Amplified Add/Drop networks with active power balancing
•Linear and ring architectures requiring wavelength re-use
With CATS system management card, ROADM can be managed
via GUI, SNMP and Telent. The ROADM card also support local
management (CLI ).